Eridani 26ERIDANI 26

edited by Priscilla J. Ball

ERIDANI is a Star Trek: The Next Generation fanzine which tries to capture the very essence of the new television series. There may be occasional violence, adult situations, nudity and rough language, but those instances are noted in the descriptions, and no age statement is required for this publication.

ERIDANI 26 features

"Terrorist Tactics" -- by Kira Bacal. An old friend of Captain Picard's is caught up in an interplanetary conflict. Can Picard and the crew of the Enterprise save his life and negotiate a settlement to the war without violating the Prime Directive?

"And the Chances After That, Version 2" -- by N.B. Thayer. What would have happened if Commander Riker had been stranded along with Lieutenant Riker at the end of the Next Generation episode, "Second Chances"?

"Bugs" -- by Ulrike Schaefer. The Enterprise's Sickbay suffers from an infestation. A humorous look at how Doctor Crusher copes with a rather unusual problem.

"Perhaps We Shouldn't Be Afraid..."   -- by Marge Robles. A look at the Picard/Crusher relationship in the aftermath of the events in Star Trek: Generations.

"Rogue Encounter" -- by Kira Bacal. a prequel to her story "A Matter of Trust", which appeared in Outpost 3. Here, we, and the Enterprise crew first meet the intergalactic rogue, Jake Bennet.

Artwork by Davenport, Lash, Nosal, Rodrigues, and Tarhuntassa.

166 pages, 8½" x 11" size, comb binding.

         $14.25, US Priority Mail.
         $20.25, Elsewhere.

Order from:

Randall Landers
3211 Saddleleaf Avenue
Albany, Georgia 31721

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